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I started to do performances with Helga Thorsdottir in 1997 then still in Art school.  After doing several performances together we came up with some strange alter ego´s the Steelnurses.  It actually was the result of discussing how women went through many painful operations to look their best or to look as someone told them looked good.

The Steelnurses became some kind of „femme fatale“ or some kind of dominant nurses that gave people something good in a kind of strict or even harsh way.  Our first Steelnurses performance was called „Goodie´s“ but we wished for ten volunteers from the audience and literally bound them to the chairs and stuffed them with all kinds of candy that didn´t mix very well together in the mouth.  For example candy that bubbled, candy that was exspecially sour or peppered and so on.  This was topped with green soda that made everybody´s mouths foam.  Some people ripped them self loose when they saw what we were doing but some enjoyed this in a humorous way.  In all the performances as Steelnurses we gave something away, some kind of an experience and put audience´s in the spotlight at the same time.  We were like some naughty sweetish aliens. 

The Video Ear candles was made for an exhibition in Glassbox in Paris and was originally made for three monitors but we exhibited one screen version.  Due to circumstances as Helga lived in Paris and I lived in Reykjavik we never made the final three screen version but the video is dancing on the line of being a 20 min surrealistic short film or an art video.

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